Choosing Gorgeous Plumbing Fixtures

3 Things You Should Never Flush Down The Toilet

Just about everyone knows that if you want to keep your drains in good working condition, you don't put bacon grease, oil, or any other kind of fat down the drain. Some people think the kitchen drain isn't okay, but the toilet drain is. Nothing could be further from the truth. That liquid oil will eventually solidify, and because oil and water don't mix, running the water or repeatedly flushing the toilet isn't going to even affect grease-lined pipes. Eventually, you're going to have a clog. In addition to grease, there are other several other things that can cause your drains to clog. Here's three to watch out for.

Hygiene Wipes

Whether it is baby wipes specifically made for infants and toddlers, "fresh" wipes for adults to stay renewed and clean feeling, antibacterial wipes for keeping your hands clean, or the convenient wipes soaked in assorted cleaning solutions, flushing them down the drain is a bad idea. A lot of times the products will even say on the package they are biodegradable. While that means they will eventually decompose, it doesn't mean they are good for making it through the elbows in your pipes without eventually clogging. Wipes of all kinds should be thrown in the garbage.

Sanitary Products

Most women know better than to try flushing full-sized maxi pads or other sanitary napkins down the toilet. Most women also don't think twice about flushing tampons down the toilet. Some even flush the applicators as well, both plastic and cardboard! While tampon manufactures never recommend flushing a plastic applicator, a few say both the tampon itself and the cardboard applicator are flushable. Any plumber will tell you that's just asking for trouble. A flushed tampon won't cause a problem immediately, but they will eventually build up. Additionally, because they have an absorbent quality by design, flushed tampons will collect any grease that may be moving through the system. Lastly, if you have a septic system, flushed tampons and wipes are a definite no-no.


It may seem obvious, but sometimes people just don't think. Whether it's the paper toweling used for cleaning the bathroom mirror or the paper-wrapped fiber of a cigarette butt, it should never be flushed down the toilet.

Even when exercising caution, drains still get clogged. One way to avoid issues is to have your drains periodically inspected and cleaned by plumbers with a company like Cleary Plumbing.
