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What To Do When Your Water Pressure Is Too Low

It's frustrating when the water pressure is too low in your house. It takes some enjoyment out of showers, and it could even make it more difficult to clean the dishes or use a garden hose. There are several reasons for low water pressure, and you may need to hire a plumber to determine the cause and find a solution. Here are some things you can do when your water pressure is low.

Check The Pressure From The Water Main

The problem could be on the city's end. Buy an inexpensive pressure gauge and test the pressure in your system by hooking up to the faucet on your main water valve; this lets you know if the problem is inside your house or if the pressure is low before it enters your home. If it's low, the problem could be the pressure regulator valve that needs adjusted, or it could be a problem with the water supplied from the city. You may want to call the city and report the problem so they can check and make repairs if needed.

Have A Plumbing Inspection

If the water coming into your house has enough pressure, then there's probably an obstruction in a pipe somewhere or the pipes could be old and corroded. You might need some plumbing repairs done to improve the problem; this could involve anything from replacing some pipes to working on the water heater if the problem is just with the hot water. A plumber can track down an isolated problem and make the appropriate repairs.

Have A Pressure Booster Installed

If your plumbing is in good shape and the city can't do anything to increase the water pressure, then your plumber might recommend installing a water pressure booster; this is a small tank installed inside your home that stores and pressurizes water, so the water that comes out of your faucets have more pressure. The setting can be adjusted on the tank to provide you with the perfect shower pressure. The tank holds water in reserve, so the pump doesn't have to kick on every time you turn on the faucet. A pressure booster tank is a good way to increase the water pressure in your home whether you're on city or well water.

Just keep in mind that high pressure isn't good for your pipes either. It may cause faucets to develop leaks frequently, and it could even damage your pipes if it's too high. A pressure booster allows you to control the pressure so your pipes aren't damaged and you can have an enjoyable shower with enough pressure that you feel clean and energized. To learn more, contact a company like Drainman The.
