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Septic Tank Cleaning And How To Protect Your Septic System

Your septic tank is responsible for collecting the solid waste that leaves your home through the main sewer line. The liquid waste seeps out of the tank and goes to your drain field, where it is absorbed deep into the soil and is handled by the environment. Your septic tank should be cleaned out every three years, but there are times when the system can be experiencing problems because of solids that went down your drain that shouldn't be there. If your drains are moving slowly or you notice an odor coming from your drains, you could have a clog in your system that needs to be addressed right away.

Septic System Cleaning Services

Your septic system should be cleaned out every three years to keep your tank from getting full. If your septic system has gone through a period of heavy use, you can get your septic system cleaned early to make sure it doesn't fill up completely. You should also have your tank cleaned if you are having problems with your drains, or you suspect that you have a clog somewhere in the system.

Protecting Your Septic System

Your septic tank should last up to 40 years, and your drain field should last about 20 years. If your drain field starts to fail, you may notice bright green grass in the area. This means that the grass is being fertilized by waste coming out of your home and the drain field needs to be moved. Know where your drain field is and where the tank is located on your property. Avoid parking heavy equipment on your tank and drain field. Pay attention to the grass, and note if one area is excessively green. 

Main Sewer Line Clogs and Your Septic System

You can get a clog in your main sewer line that builds up over time. Tree roots can grow into the sewer line, and they are going to catch debris that goes down your drains that shouldn't be there. Get your main sewer line cleaned if you suspect a clog, as you can end up with a sewage backup in your home if you ignore the problem.

Your septic tank needs to be pumped every couple of years and it should be checked any time you have an issue with the system. Pay attention to odors, and get the system cleaned as necessary. If there is a clog, it needs to be dealt with to avoid a big mess in your home.

Contact a septic system service like Economy Septic Tank Service for more information.
