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Possible Reasons You're Seeing Tiny Debris In The Water From Your Faucet

When you turn on your faucet, you expect to see clear water run out. When you see small bits of debris suspended in a glass of water, it's normal to be concerned because you may wonder if your water is safe to drink. If you notice flakes or debris in your water, it's good to have a plumber check your system to find the source of the problem. Here are some possible reasons for debris or sediment in your water supply.

A Corroded Pipe Can Cause Rust Flakes

One thing you can do is check if the particles are only in the hot water or cold water supply. If only the hot water has debris floating in it, your water heater might be rusting and need to be replaced. If the cold water has rust specks, the problem might be old, corroded water pipes that need to be replaced before they start leaking.

Mineral Scale Can Break Off In The Water

White flakes in your water could be scale from mineral buildup on the insides of your water pipes. If your area has hard water, the minerals will build up on the sides of pipes and your plumbing fixtures. This scale buildup can then break off due to the pressure of water rushing through the pipes. If you have a problem with hard water, then installing a water softener could be a good idea so you can eliminate problems with scale. Your plumber may also need to flush out the hot water heater or pipes to remove scale that's already present.

Sand May Be In Your Water Supply

If you have well water, tiny particles could be sand. If this is suddenly a new problem, it might indicate a problem with your well that needs to be checked. If you have ongoing problems with sand in your water, then installing a whole-house filter might help by filtering out the sand where the water enters your house and before the sand has a chance to spread to all of your faucets.

Your plumber may have to do some detective work to figure out what's causing the problem with your water, but it's worth it to be assured that your water is safe to drink. Particles in your water aren't always a health hazard, but in some cases they could be, so it's best to call in a plumber to fix the problem so that your water is clear and safe to drink.
