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Most Common Water Heater Problems (And How To Fix Them)

Your water heater is one of the most overlooked, yet important, parts of your home. Not only is it responsible for delivering the hot water that make your showers and baths comfortable, but it also provides the hot water your dishwasher and washing machine need to properly clean your clothes and dishes too. Without hot water, your life wouldn't run nearly as smoothly.

When it goes out then, it can be a huge pain. Fortunately, the problems associated with water heaters are pretty common, so basic water heater repair isn't usually a problem either. Below are some of the issues you may run into and the possible fixes, but if any of the solutions seem too daunting, hire a water heater repair service.

No Hot Water

Since the basic function of a hot water heater is to provide hot water, if you're not getting any hot water out of your faucets at all, that's a huge issue. If you have an electric water heater, the problem could be as simple as a flipped breaker switch, but you could also have a problem with the limit switch or the heating element on the unit itself. Both of those issues are bigger fixes than the average DIY project, so it's a good idea to get it inspected by a professional.

Limited Hot Water

If you have some hot water but it tends to run out quickly, you may just need to adjust the thermostat on your water heater. In the winter months, water can cool down in the pipes from the water heater to your shower or faucet, even if nothing is actually wrong with the unit itself, so adjusting it up when it's cold is a pretty quick fix. If you've raised the temperature and you've got the right size of water heater for your home, it could be the wiring or heating element, which should be looked at by a water heater repair service before it goes out completely. It's much easier to conduct water heater repair on a unit that's still working than to try and fix it when it stops working.

Dirty Hot Water

Sometimes, the problem isn't with the quantity of hot water, but the quality. If your water is smelly or discolored, it could be due to corrosion or the presence of bacteria in the tank. Replacing the anode rod in the water heater will help with both of those problems and is one of the most basic water heater repair jobs a plumber can perform. If that doesn't work, try asking the plumber to flush the water heater entirely and refill it. 
