Choosing Gorgeous Plumbing Fixtures

Emergency Situations Your Plumbing Can Experience

Plumbing systems can create immediate and severe problems for a home if they suffer significant problems or damages. In particular, ruptured pipes can be among the most damaging types of issues for the plumbing to experience. Yet it can be easy to fail to appreciate all of the potential sources of ruptures that your pipes may face.

Roots From Nearby Trees

Roots from nearby trees can actually grow into the plumbing lines that are buried in the ground near the home. This is due to the fact that the roots will be able to sense the water that is in the pipe, and they may be strong enough to be able to force their way into the pipe. Unfortunately, this can be a stubborn problem to repair as it will likely involve excavating the soil away from near the pipe so that the root can be removed.

Freezing Temperatures

Freezing temperatures can be another common source of ruptures that a homeowner will need to consider. As the water in a pipe freezes, it can greatly increase in size to the point where it can cause the pipes to rupture. If this damage occurs, it may not be easily noticed at first due to the fact that the water in the pipe will still be frozen. However, it can cause considerable flooding once the water thaws and resumes flowing. If your pipes freeze, the water lines should be turned off until you are able to determine whether they have suffered a rupture. Additionally, you may want to contact a plumbing emergency service to inspect the pipes to determine whether any visible ruptures are present. While you can install insulation or other upgrades to reduce this risk in the future, you will have to treat your frozen pipes as an urgent emergency once they develop.

Impact Damage

Unfortunately, it can also be possible for a homeowner to inadvertently puncture the pipes in their homes. Piercing the pipe with a nail while hanging shelving or pictures is a common reason for this damage to occur. While it can be rather alarming for a homeowner to accidentally puncture their plumbing lines, it is important to remain calm so that the damage from this accident can be minimized. In addition to turning off the flow of water, you may also want to open any faucets that are connected to the pierced plumbing line. This will allow as much of the water that is in the line as possible to drain out of the faucet rather than through the puncture.

To learn more, contact a plumbing contractor.
