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Furnace Symptoms That Should Be Checked By A Heating Technician

Many people are diligent about caring for their furnace. They change the air filter as directed and schedule maintenance every year. Nevertheless, eventually heating system repair becomes necessary as the appliance ages. Sometimes repairs are made during the maintenance appointment when the technician discovers worn parts. In other cases, an unexpected problem develops over the winter.

Heating technicians do what they can to keep the equipment running safely as long as possible. Some work in tandem with plumbers, making the company a convenient choice for homeowners.

Potential Problems

A broad range of issues can cause an older furnace to malfunction or stop working altogether.

Examples of Symptoms

For example, the electric ignition might develop a delay, causing a buildup of gas in the system and a loud booming noise when the burners ignite. A furnace that begins cycling on and off more rapidly than usual needs prompt attention since this is hard on the system. Rattling or squealing noises also should be checked out, even if the appliance seems to be working properly. 

Electrical Issues

A smell like burning plastic might be related to problems with the electrical components. Someone in the household may discover the furnace did not turn on because its circuit breaker shut off or the fuse blew. Although this could seem like a minor occurrence, a heating technician should be called to inspect the equipment. The igniter should not use so much electricity that the wiring cannot handle it. 

Blower Motor Failing

The blower motor could fail once it reaches a certain age, just as automobile engines sometimes do. The first sign usually is weaker airflow from the vents.

Considering Replacement

Heating repair technicians alert their customers well ahead of time when furnace replacement is becoming advisable. They want to do the work before the air exchanger cracks, which turns the appliance into a significant health hazard. A crack leads to a carbon monoxide leak, with the toxic gas blowing into the home through vents. This component cannot be repaired, and the cost of replacing it is prohibitive.

If a technician sees that the air exchanger is at risk, disconnection from the electrical power is required. Now the furnace cannot be turned on.

It's natural for homeowners to want their heating system to continue running for at least 20 years. Nevertheless, the possibility of replacement should be considered by around 15 years. In the meantime, they can rely on heating system technicians to perform the necessary maintenance and repair work.
