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Sensitive Toilet? What You Should Do

If your toilet is sensitive, you may often have a lot of issues with clogs. Even just toilet paper may clog in your sensitive toilet. Short of having everyone use a different bathroom, there are things you can do to improve your toilet flow. Read on for tips to help improve the flow of your toilet drain and to prevent clogs from occurring as often.

Use Single-Ply Toilet Paper

Swapping out your thicker toilet paper for thinner toilet paper may be necessary to prevent clogs. Thicker toilet paper may feel better on your bottom, but it may be the cause of the clogs you are experiencing so often. That thicker toilet paper could take a long time to decompose and break down in the sewer or septic drain, which means you are going to have more clogs if you continue to use the thicker toilet paper. If single-ply toilet paper also clogs your toilets, you should be sure everyone in your household isn't using too much toilet paper and you may even need to switch to quick-dissolving toilet paper or toilet paper that is made specifically for sensitive toilets.

Only Ever Flush Toilet Paper

Be sure everyone is aware that only toilet paper should be flushed down your toilet. Feminine products, flushable wipes and other types of wipes should never be put into the toilet and flushed. Your system is not going to be able to handle these items. Even those without sensitive toilet drains should not flush these items. These items should only ever be thrown into the trashcan. 

Have Your Drains Cleaned

There's a good chance that your sensitive toilet is sensitive because your drains are clogged further out in the main line. If this is the case, everything is going to begin to clog, not just your toilets. If you are noticing a slow flow with other drains in your home, you should have your drains cleaned out. Hire a professional plumber to have your drains cleaned out. You could have clogs from toilet paper in your main line, or you could have roots growing in through your main sewer line. Either way, if you are experiencing a lot of issues with clogs, you should have your drains cleaned.

If you have an issue with a sensitive toilet, like if you are having to unclog your toilet often, you can use the tips above to help improve drainage. Hire a plumber from a company like Robinson's Plumbing to help you if you continue to have an issue.
